2024 Barbecue Meet Confirmed for Saturday June 22nd 2024

One of the things we really wanted to get in the diary for 2024 was a barbecue. The annual barbecue was a mainstay of the Kickstart Amiga Group annual diary, providing a great social environment as well as the fun of a regular meet.

We are pleased to confirm that we have booked Saturday 22nd June 2024 for the Barbecue meet. Ticket price includes the barbecue and tickets are on sale now, along with a few remaining tickets for our February 2024 meet:

Key Information

  • When: Saturday 22nd June 2024
  • Where: Ottershaw Village Hall, Brox Road,
    Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0HG
  • Time: 9am-9pm
  • Cost: £14-16 per person
    (price includes BBQ lunch, snacks and soft drinks throughout the day)
  • Ticket Link: https://kickstartamigagroup.sumupstore.com/
Continue reading 2024 Barbecue Meet Confirmed for Saturday June 22nd 2024

Kickstart 2 Confirmed for Sunday 18th February 2024 – Tickets On Sale Now!

Hot on the heels of the success of our first meet, we are pleased to announce the date and details for our second meetup. Following a survey of members coming to our first event, we have confirmed Sunday 18th February 2024 for the meet. Tickets are on sale now, so please be quick as we did sell out of table spaces for our first meet.

Key Information

  • When: Sunday 18th February 2024
  • Where: Ottershaw Village Hall, Brox Road,
    Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0HG
  • Time: 9am-9pm
  • Cost: £14-16 per person
    (price includes lunch, snacks and soft drinks throughout the day)
  • Ticket Link: https://kickstartamigagroup.sumupstore.com/

For our second meet, we are once again holding it where it all began – Ottershaw Village Hall. This is where the Kickstart Amiga Group originally held its monthly meetings back in the 1990s and early 2000s, as well as the first three Kickstart Amiga Shows. Back then, it was called Brook Hall. Not only has the name changed, but the venue has had a substantial makeover and is a wonderful place to hold our meets. You can see some pics from our October meet here, as well as on our Facebook Group.

Kickstart is a non-profit event. The price we are charging is purely to cover the cost of renting the hall for the day and for the cost of the refreshments. If by some miracle, we have money left over, 100% of it will be put towards the cost of booking the hall for the next meet.

Continue reading Kickstart 2 Confirmed for Sunday 18th February 2024 – Tickets On Sale Now!

A Great Day at Zzap Live!

Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who stopped by the Kickstart stand at Zzap Live this past weekend. It was great to see so many people and to talk about our plans for the group. We even met a few Kickstart Originals (members from before hour hiatus) which was wonderful.

We had a double table in the Amiga room at Zzap, where we originally had five machines on display for people to use as part of our promotional efforts, but soon we were down to four after a customised A1200 we had on show decided to malfunction. We think its a Chip RAM issue, so should be easy enough to fix.

For the day, the remaining four machines were an example of member-owned computers, either modified and updated for 2023, or brand new hardware.

Continue reading A Great Day at Zzap Live!

Come See Kickstart at Zzap Live 2023 on August 12th

Ahead of our next Kickstart meet in Ottershaw in October, Kickstart will be on the road in August and September, popping up at some events and supporting some of our friends at their user group meets.

On 12th August 2023 we will be heading to the Holiday Inn Kenilworth (it’s about half way between Warwick and Coventry) for Zzap! Live 2023. It’s a hands-on show celebrating all things Commodore, from the early 8-bit days right the way through to the Amiga and even Commodore’s difficult history as a PC maker. We are there in conjunction with our friends at the South West Amiga Group, helping to populate the Amiga area. Some of the Kickstart team will be there showing off some modified and updated member machines, showing how you can make the most of the Amiga in 2023.

Zzap! Live 2023 will feature over 50 interactive exhibits, representing the entire history of Commodore computing from the humble pioneering days right up to the present. Not only will there be plenty to play, but other ways to spend your time and your money while you socialise!

Continue reading Come See Kickstart at Zzap Live 2023 on August 12th

Only Two Table Tickets Left For Kickstart in October – Don’t Miss Out!

Places at the 15th October 2023 Kickstart Amiga Group meet are in high demand, so much so that we only have two table places left at the time of writing this post. If you would like to join us and need a table for your computer, please grab a ticket now while you still can.

A few non-table tickets are still available for people wanting to come but who are not bringing a machine.

We’ve also added an option for a few “Bring Your Own Table” tickets. If you have a fold up table (ideally around 4ft, no bigger than 6ft) that can take the weight of your Amiga and its bits, you can bring it with this ticket. It’s the same price as our costs are the same whether we supply the table or you do, but you still get access and everything else included in the day like every other ticket holder, including refreshments.

Now Includes Lunch!

Thanks to the enormous amount of support and the size of the turnout for this meet, I am so happy to say that we can afford to add a bit more value to your existing ticket. In addition to the snacks and soft drinks we will be providing for the day, we will also be providing a sandwich buffet lunch for everyone.

Continue reading Only Two Table Tickets Left For Kickstart in October – Don’t Miss Out!

Kickstart Nostalgia Ahead of October

Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who has bought a ticket for the first Kickstart meet in October – we’ve been absolutely blown away by the enthusiasm for reviving Kickstart and our first meet back is going to be a very busy day with no shortage of people. There are a few table tickets left, so please don’t delay in buying your ticket – we don’t want you to miss out.

The news that Kickstart is coming back has generated some nostalgia. A big thanks to Mike at the Yorkshire Amiga Group, who sent us this 22 year old flyer that one of his members found promoting the last Kickstart Amiga Show we ran – our biggest as well – which we held in Banstead in Surrey as the show had outgrown Ottershaw Village Hall.

More info on the 15th October 2023 Kickstart meet, along with the ticket link can be found at https://www.kickstartamigagroup.org.uk/2023/07/04/join-us-on-october-15th-2023-in-surrey-the-kickstart-amiga-group-is-back/

Continue reading Kickstart Nostalgia Ahead of October

An Amazing Response, Kickstart in October is Going to be Big!

Just a quick update to thank everyone who has bought a ticket for the Kickstart 15th October 2023 meet. The response has been fantastic so far and we really appreciate all the support in bringing Kickstart back as a user group.

There are still a few table tickets left and we would really like to see you there. You can buy your ticket here:


We will be emailing ticket holders with regular updates between now and October.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us via the Contact Us page above.